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Don't let anxiety define who you are and what you are capable of.
Use our Rapid Relief Program to trigger an even faster recovery from anxiety through powerful audios and video.


This program can rapidly accelerate your recovery by delivering the key elements for anxiety relief and recovery that you can listen to for just a few minutes at a time.

What you get with the program

The program is broken into four sections.

In each section we have a series of audios to help you.

Deep release of anxiety & tension
You will learn how to quickly release deep seated anxiety and tension. Two of the audios in this section use binaural beat technology to help you relax to a much deeper level than you may have been able to reach previously because of your anxiety.
Renewed cofidence in Yourself
Learn to feel confident and empowered when facing into anxious situations that previously scared you. The audios in this program show you how to strip away the fear of anxious sensations enabling you to feel safe regardless where you find yourself.
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  • icon-audio


  • icon-audio


  • icon-audio


  • icon-audio


audios in this section

  • NameVALUE
  • Sound 2 Name
  • Sound 3 Name
  • Sound Name 1
  • Sound Name 2
  • Sound Name 3
  • Sleep Sound 1 Name
  • Sleep Sound 2 Name
  • Sleep Sound 3 Name
  • Travel Sound Audios J
  • Travel Sound 2
  • Travel Sound 3
  • multi-platform

    Your content works flawless on your phone, tablet, laptop or any other multimedia device

  • Binaural Technology

    Some of the audios feature binaural beats to help you release very deep seated tension and stress

  • Online/offline

    Stream the content directly from your device or download the program to consume it offline

  • multi-platform

    Your content works flawless on your phone, tablet, laptop or any other multimedia device

  • Binaural Technology

    Some of the audios feature binaural beats to help you release very deep seated tension and stress

  • Online/offline

    Stream the content directly from your device or download the program to consume it offline

win back
your freedom

For a deeper understanding of what triggers anxiety and how to apply the DARE technique in a truly transformative way, we encourage you to read the
DARE book.